Monday, April 23, 2012

What God makes — or remade — of Chuck Colson

I don't have the time or the inclination to link to all the articles I have seen about the death of Chuck Colson, especially those that refer to him as a "felon" or "Watergate figure." If that is all that people know about Chuck Colson, if that is what alone will bring his identity to mind, then they are the more to be pitied. Chuck Colson may be the 20th c.'s premiere exemplar of genuine human transformation according to the gift of repentance and the power of the risen Christ to redeem a human life. What God has done to save countless "throw-away" human souls of incarcerated prisoners through Chuck Colson's long and distinguished Christian ministry is, in the end, the measure of the man. His past sins and the Watergate scandal are nothing, esp. when compared to the breathtaking lawlessness we see in power at present. I am confident that Brother Charles has been greeted warmly on high, "Well done, good and faithful servant." And Amen to that.

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