Sunday, March 13, 2016

Fifth Sunday of Lent (D)

Genesis 4:1-16 OR Isaiah 63:(7-9) 10-19
Psalm 101
John 8:31-47
Galatians 5:(1) 2-12 (13-25) 26 OR James 5:1-20


O Lord, compassionate and merciful, you have called us to freedom, to live and be guided by your Spirit, to bear the fruit of the Spirit, to serve one another in love and to love one another as we love ourselves! Let us not continue to live as those who have failed to come under the rule of your Son, or as those who are not called by the name of your Christ. But refresh us with your presence and anoint us with your Spirit, that our praises might be pleasing to you and our prayers might be powerful and effective on behalf of those who have become weak in the faith or wandered from you. You, who stand at the very doors of this place, enter and speak once again to your people! Give us strength for the life of faith, endurance as we eagerly await your final coming, and patience as we long for, and summon others into, your holy and gracious presence. This we ask in Jesus’ name.

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