Friday, March 15, 2013

On being neither fastidious nor exclusive toward Scripture

So I was scanning through an old denominational (Presbyterian) publication on family devotions written by the son of Princeton Professor Archibald Alexander, when in the chapter on Scripture reading my eyes ran across this little gem:
"When it is asked, how much of the Scripture is to be read in Family-Worship, we reply, the whole Bible. Not that any Judaic superstition should be allowed to creep in, as though we were bound to refuse all selection, or to persevere through whole chapters of proper names and genealogies. Still, in general terms, we would say, the whole Bible. And we prefer a leaning to the side of those who make no omissions, rather than to the fastidiousness which would exclude large portions of the record."
— James Waddell Alexander, Thoughts on Family Worship (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1847; pp. 205-6).
Granted, he is discussing daily family devotions, but as far as his statement of the comprehensive principle is concerned, I couldn't have said it better myself. 

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