Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Singing the Lectionary ... Year D!

Natalie Sims, the Lectionary Singer from down under, has linked to The Year D Project on her index, and as the slate is clean at this point, this would appear to be an opportune moment to chime in with your musical suggestions, either here, in the comments related to the Sunday in question, or by dropping her a line. Check out her website at the link (above and at the lower right).

Welcome, Natalie! And thanks for the link!

UPDATE: For those who may be interested in attacking the problem systematically, there is no better place to start than the Index of Lections. How many of these texts appear in the Scripture Indices of old hymnals and songbooks? Are any newer hymns, spirituals, "praise and worship" songs, or choral anthems rooted in these texts? Or if you are feeling really adventurous, how about setting yourself the challenge of writing and singing a new song to sing to the Lord based on these texts? Here is fresh inspiration for composers, arrangers, and songwriters. Go for it!

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