Sunday, September 4, 2016

Prelude to the Passion - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time [Proper 18]


Exodus 28:(1-29) 30-43 OR 2Samuel 15:30-37; 16:15-17:4 OR 2Chronicles 30:1-27
Psalm 141
John 11:45-57
1Corinthians 16:1-24

Father of lights, let your glory fill this place as it once filled the tabernacle of the covenant; let your cloud and fire guide us on every stage of our journey of faith, as you once guided Israel through the wilderness. Come and reign over us; oversee our renewal, reform, and restoration. Let there be great joy here as has not been for many generations. Bless your people gathered here and receive our praises as we bless your name. Let our voice be heard on high, O LORD; and let our prayer came to your holy dwelling in heaven. For the sacrifice of your Son Jesus Christ, which he has made for the sins of the world, has not been in vain, but bears the fruit of faith in every tribe and people and language and nation! Therefore, come, O God, and gather all your dispersed children into one, in the name of our risen Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!

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