Monday, October 3, 2016

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time [Proper 22] (World Communion Sunday)

2Chronicles 7:1-22 (OR Haggai 1:15-2:9)
Matthew 26:20-35 OR Mark 14:17-31 OR Luke 22:14-38
Colossians 3:18-4:18


O God our Father, who sent Jesus Christ, the Great Shepherd of the Sheep, to fulfill the Passover through his suffering, coming among us as one who serves, giving his body and shedding his blood in order to establish a new covenant with all who are called by his name: Strengthen us, we pray, that our faith may never fail. Nourish us, that we may encourage one another. Help us to recognize the many assets and provisions with which you have blessed us, and teach us to dedicate and use them to the service of your kingdom. Neither let us overlook or neglect or shy away from the offering of ourselves. For truly you, our Passover Lamb, have provided all things needful, giving even of your flesh and blood for our salvation, thereby showing your grace and goodness to sinners. Thank you, O LORD, for the body and blood of Christ, by which your Spirit imparts grace to us and builds us up to be the body of Christ. Come, O LORD our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, come and receive our thanks and praise!       

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