Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time [Proper 27]

Nahum 2:1-13 OR Jeremiah 42:1-7; 43:1-7
Psalm 71:15-24
Matthew 27:31b-56 OR Mark 15:20b-41 OR Luke 23:33-49 OR John 19:17-30
Romans 14:13-23


O LORD, holy and merciful, we confess we have often misplaced our faith in you and sought to establish our own righteousness. We have been afraid to submit to your claim upon our lives, and thus we find ourselves as but a remnant of a once numerous people. We have been guided by self-concern, judged one another, and made one another stumble, where you would have us judge ourselves, confess our own sins, and build one another up in the knowledge of your saving love. Truly, O God, we stand in need of forgiveness, renewal, reform, and grace. Therefore, be gracious to us, O God, and help us, we pray, to receive grace that we may be better able and quick to show grace toward one another in the knowledge that Jesus has given himself up to death, and now is risen and reigns on high, not only for our sake, but for the sake of our neighbors and fellow believers. Forgive us, LORD, and help us to live as forgiven and forgiving people, to the honor and glory of your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.

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