Sunday, December 4, 2016

Second Sunday of Advent

You, O God, are the builder of the all things, and Christ Jesus, your Son, the faithful builder of your house, even as he serves as its head and cornerstone. Help us, O Lord, as partners with Christ, to be the house in which you dwell, that we may hold firm to faith and hope until the end, with boldness and unwavering confidence in you. Show your holiness, O God, to this assembly, among this people where your glory abides, in Jesus' name.

1 comment:

  1. P.S. Zechariah here is the picture of the penitent priest, is he not? Repentant of his unbelief, and at precisely the same moment, he recognizes God's grace in sending salvation and forgiveness by way of the tender mercy of the one for whom his son is to prepare the way. Is this not what reformation is all about? The reformation and revitalization of God's people that occurs when not just your run-of-the-mill sinners, but the professional ministers and priests, like Zechariah, or Nicodemus, or Luther, et al suddenly grasp the whole big picture anew ... and with faith!

