Saturday, January 4, 2020

Christmas at Heritage (2019): "The Sound of Christmas"

Here is the video of the University of Dubuque's Christmas at Heritage. This year (2019) the theme was "The Sound of Christmas," featuring the music and narration of Elisabeth Von Trapp. It was my pleasure once again to serve as "narrative guy." Having selected scripture readings in the Cambridge tradition of Lessons and Carols (2018), arranged and adapted translations of Romanos the Melodist (2017), woven non-traditional scripture readings into other narratives for a fresh perspective à la Year D (2016), and written a three-person play (2015), it seemed time to return to the approach take six years ago (2014) when I was first invited to take part in this lovely, annual event and write some fresh poems for the occasion. The whole video is worth viewing. You will doubtless enjoy the folk style of our distinguish guest, the wind and vocal ensembles, and the full choir which was in fabulous form, but if the time is short and you want to hear my "two bits" (or five bits, actually), you can hear Mrs. Von Trapp deliver these narrative poems at the time codes below:

I. What News is This? (15:11)
II. The Savior Has Appeared! (28:35)
III. The Promised, Pure Daystar is Born. (40:55)
IV. Closer Now, Deeper Down (53:45)
V. The Sound of Christmas (1:04:54)

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