Sunday, March 15, 2020

Read the actual Apocalypse and calm down

Everytime I run across a cute or quasi-clever neologism that hitches the suffix –ocalypse to some popular impulse to set everyone's hair on fire, I think: Now whoever came up with that very likely has never actually read the Book of Revelation or has not done so recently or seriously. The same is true of the Bible generally. What does panic indicate so clearly and accurately as someone who does not know the Bible, is unaquainted with the promises and the nature of God, and has no sense of the sheer goodness and grace of God and his desire that none should perish? Put another way, when you find that reading the actual Apocalypse (the Book of Revelation) has a calming effect on you, when you come away from it profoundly reassured, then you know you are the right track and you can also recognize that all the folks in panic mode over everything are, to put it kindly, not

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