Wednesday, December 9, 2020

"Just Passing Through": Make it go inocular

Over the years, I don't think I have ever explicitly asked anyone to make something "go viral," and I am not going to start now. Not after 2020. Ugh. If anything, whoever came up with that now-irredeemably awful expression should be shown to a chair in the corner to have a long rethink under a tall pointy hat.

By way of an antidote then, let me offer you a two-for-one deal

First, a new expression for spreading something good, happy, and uplifting, and for doing so widely: to make something "go inocular." You heard it here first. [No, don't stick anything in your eye. Just think of the wide deployment of a truly healing balm, medicine, or vaccine, with no harmful side effects. Picture Lucy Pevensee making her way across the battlefield with her reviving cordial.]

Second, the thing itself, a new track, "Just Passing Through." One that, to my mind, can't wait for the rest of the album to catch up, but must go forth into the world as a single. Don't worry. I'll take more trouble with the cover image and artwork when the whole album comes out.

Meanwhile, clear the floor. Prepare to dance. Or at least join the rhythm section. Snap your fingers. Tap your feet. May this track lift your spirits, lighten your hearts, and give you all great joy. Joy that you want to share. Widely. World-widely. Like the good news of the Gospel itself: that we have a perfectly happy and blessed home beyond this vale of tears (Hebrews 11:13-16), a heavenly country in which all are welcome who trust and hope in Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who was born to die, who arose never to die again, who is coming to renew all things and to set us free (Philippians 3:20). 

Here it is on Tidal. Here it is on Amazon MusicHere it is on iTunes

Or find it on your favorite streaming service here.

Send it — whatever link you prefer — with Christmas greetings in a spirit of good will to everyone you know. Yes, share it as you would hope to the dying, or love to the lonely, like an antidote to a virus. 

You can do it. Make it go inocular.

Merry Christmas, everyone. 

— Tim

1 comment:

  1. I tried to play it on Amazon, but the play button wouldn't work. The post made me chuckle though and I love the term "innocular".
