Friday, December 11, 2020

The Spirit is Like the Wind and He Got the Devil on the Run

I love this track. It all just seemed to fall together, one section after another, like some unseen helper was handing me just what I needed when I needed it. Each time I worked out a phrase, the next just presented itself. Each time I needed a new sound or instrument, I landed on it quickly. The title (first part) alludes to Jesus' discussion with Nicodemus, specifically his teaching about the Holy Spirit (John 3). The freedom with which he describes those born of the Spirit is like a great gust of fresh air. It brings to mind the grandeur of the great plains; the big sky over wind-swept prairies is likewise the backdrop for the second part, but now, like Jesus cleansing the temple with his whip of cords (John 2) or exorcising demons from the souls of the possessed, the Spirit cracks the whip and drives the enemy from the children of God. As the two parts form one piece, so the two actions are one and the same. Our liberation through faith is granted in and by the Spirit just as the tempter is banished. 

The last post testifies to my love of vibes, so not surprisingly they get the first word on this track. Meanwhile, one of the drum kit patches on the SY77 has a great whip crack sound just begging to be used by this kid from Kansas who used to watch too many western movies on TV. Hi-ya! The pitch bent guitar, at the end of part one and intermittent in part two, is synthesized (Korg M1), but offset by acoustic guitar cameos, doubling the melody at one point here and adding a simple rhythm section. 

I remember calling my brother on the phone when the whole thing was finished: "Listen to this!" I can't imagine is sounded very good over the phone, but he said, "It's all there!" or something like that. Sure enough. It felt like such a "perfect" (?) track at the time, it seemed like it needed a flaw introduced somewhere; so I gave the title a good dose of bad grammar.

Speaking of bad grammar: here's the streamers.

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