Monday, March 8, 2021

"Just" is streaming

Released on CD back on December 30, 2020, Just is now streaming. This one is all "just" guitar, or at least the first seven tracks (gathered into one suite) are just guitar. The last three are virtually all guitar, but for a few synth pads, finger snaps, and overdubs. Certainly it is all instrumental. Included here is "Just Passing Through," which was released as a single back in November, and which now has a sequel in "From Death to Life" (Track 11 on Enter the Arbiter: Songs for Holy Week).

Click on the cover, choose your favorite streamer, and enjoy! [Like all these records, the aim is primarily to just get the idea across. Don't expect Hit Factory perfection here. But I hope you can find several tracks you like.] 

Or, if you are up for it, I noticed YouTubeMusic had a pretty good shuffled play list. Aside from the occasional ads, it sets a good mood for study. 

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