Friday, August 20, 2021

So you want to preach a public issue sermon on the Covid vaccine and vaccine mandates?

Before you preach on any public issue, you need to do your research.

In this case, at a minimum, you need to know some of the most important key terms and concepts, like:

  • the significance of cycle threshold in PCR tests
  • "investigational vaccine" 
  • therapeutic alternatives (Ivermectin, Zinc+Quercetin, et al.) to investigational vaccines
  • adverse effects 
  • d-dimer blood test
  • micro-clotting
  • informed consent > Is it even possible where information is widely suppressed?

You also need to know the most important dramatis personae (whose credibility and contributions, due to the final bullet point above, are better investigated via than traditional big tech platforms, including the crowd-sourced Wikipedia, which is no more trustworthy than the comment section of any tabloid, and is curated with the same bias as Twitter, FB, YT, etc.).

  • Robert Malone
  • Michael Yeadon
  • Peter McCullough
  • Pierre Kory
  • Ryan Cole
  • Vladamir Zelenko
  • Stella Gwandiku-Ambe Immanuel
  • Kary Mullis

Even if you do not, in the end, agree with the concerns expressed by these key players, you will at least avoid presumptuous preaching and you will be better informed of the reasons why many people, especially high school dropouts and PhDs, many persons of color, those who are younger and often espouse no religion at all, those with natural immunity, those with compromised immunity, those with religious objections to medical research developed using aborted fetal tissue, etc., express hesitancy to receive what they perceive to be — not without reason — a risky, even dangerous "investigational" vaccine. Certainly, you should not blunder into the pulpit to preach a pro-vaccine sermon based on nothing more than the thoughtless presumption that receiving the vaccine and all the obligatory forthcoming boosters is somehow ethically "the right thing for everyone to do." Preaching and ministry also have a hippocratic obligation. Such a sermon would clearly violate that.

Other resources you should be aware of: ... which concludes with the following: 

"In summary, ... ivermectin should be globally and systematically deployed in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19." [added 08/25/2021]

(more to follow)

UPDATE: August 27, 2020 — Contrary to widely publicized (mis)information, the Pfizer-BioNTec is not actually approved for non-emergency use. See Sen. Johnson's letter to the FDA about this:

UPDATE: August 28, 2020 — Dr. Lee Merritt on VAERS reporting.

And then there is this from the great Eric Clapton:

And now here is yet another (!) readily available medicine — in addition to HCQ (with zinc, of course), Ivermectin, Pulimicort, etc. — that shows promise under re-purposed, off-label use:

UPDATE (September 1, 2021):

UPDATE (September 3, 2021): Best Kennedy ever.

UPDATE (September 5, 2021): OK, correlation is not causation, ... until there is no other explanation for the causation but the correlation.

Meanwhile, back the ranch ...

UPDATE (September 6, 2021):

UPDATE (September 6, 2021):

UPDATE (September 15, 2021): Summary of studies regarding Covid vaccine side effects from one of the last gumshoe reporters in the business.

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