Thursday, December 1, 2011

Posting Dates Correspond to Event Dates

Dear Year D Readers:

For your ease of use, I am in the practice of "bumping" the posting dates for all worship events from week to week so as to make them correspond with the actual upcoming events. Thus, the front or home page of this site will normally be the next upcoming liturgical event, Sunday or feast day. (Other posts are then shuffled in so that the latest appear near the top of the stack.)

In addition to searching the archives by month, you can also search the site using the search box at right, or by way of the RSS button in the URL address bar of your browser.

Blessings and peace in Christ,


UPDATE (October 5, 2012): You may have noticed the system of dating described above no longer applies, since Google/Blogger has eliminated the possibility of posting things ahead of time. One can schedule their appearance at a specific time, but one cannot show the actual publication date of a post ahead of the actual tick of the clock in real time. Darn. As a result of this change, I'm now trying to post the next coming event with a few days lead time (i.e., bump it up to the top of the stack) so that it will be most useful and you won't have to search deep in the archives. But the date as such will not be the forthcoming Sunday. Sorry about that. 

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