Thursday, December 1, 2011

Year D's curriculum vitae

Since questions are often asked regarding the sources and origins of lectionaries and the modifications and developments they undergo, let me offer, for the sake of posterity, a historical timeline of this project, with all glory, laud, and honor to the Triune God for inspiring it, of course. (Others have proposed four-year lectionaries before, such as the Joint Liturgical Group, headed by the late Methodist pastor, the Rev. Raymond George. But that one never took off.) In the forthcoming introduction to the print version of Year D, three more recent (yet very different) proposals are acknowledged that became known to me after The Year D Project website was launched. There may be others; but here are a few selected events in the emergence of the present project. 

  • February 20, 2012 - "Fit to Burst: Dialectical Reading and Preaching in Lent using Supplementary Texts from Year D," South Dakota Presbytery.

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