Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Psalm 74 [Habbeth Labberith]

Here is the second single released from the forthcoming album, Revenant Psalms, Vol. IV.

You can select your favorite streamer here:

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Revenant Psalms, Vol. III

Here is a link to the eight-song playlist for the newly released Revenant Psalms, Vol. III.

Here is where you can stream or purchase it through your favorite streaming service:

Psalms rendered on this volume are:

Psalms 7, 61, 94, 101, 102, 136, 141

NB: The even more newly-released Psalm 73 is the first single from the (Lord willing) forthcoming Volume IV. More on the way ...

"The God of peace be with you all."

Psalm 73 [Asaph's Dance]

 Stream or purchase Psalm 73 [Asaph's Dance] at:

Friday, March 8, 2024

A bookmark for the ages

With this bookmark, a number of aggregated posts pertaining to free speech (which is rather important for the integrity of preaching) and others that bear on the prophetic voice of preaching (specifically on whether preachers are fully informed of contrarian perspectives and certain demonstrable facts, whether they are aware of the need for social criticism that can reach above and beyond the categories we normally associate with that enterprise, etc.) ... these posts have at this juncture "reverted to draft" (as least back to the short essay on why it is important for preachers to "monitor" counter-narratives on current events).

The reach of this website is not sufficiently broad to warrant keeping up material that may distract those who wish to consult it for its foundational reason for being. But I will mark the occasion by putting a hypothetical scenario to the preacher/reader (even though I don't closely monitor comments here, so I cannot promise a reply): 

Imagine a sermon based on the following texts: 

  • Ezekiel 3:16-21 (the prophet will be held accountable for failure to warn)
  • John 16:12-15 (Jesus says there are some things his disciples are simply not ready to hear)

What would you call such a sermon? What would its focus statement be? What would you try to achieve by way of a sermon function? What would your main points be or your outline look like?

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Psalm 7 [Shiggaion Chadash]

This psalm is designated a "Shiggaion" in its superscription, whatever that is. Strong's Concordance suggests it is "perhaps a wild passionate song with rapid changes of rhythm." Admittedly, this new setting—("Chadash" simply means "new")—has no dramatic rhythmic changes, but the intervals are a bit wild, and the sassy Dsus4/D trill (I'm talking chord shapes here, not actual notes) lends it a feel that seems worthy of the designation: shiggy. [But, please, let's not confuse it with the "shig" that is going on in west coast cities right now. Lord, have mercy.] 

Year D, by the way, recommends Psalm 7 for the Great Vigil of Holy Saturday and for 11th Ordinary.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

5th Sunday in Lent

Here is the "official video" — that sounds so impressive, doesn't it? — for a new setting of Psalm 101 (my paraphrase), the setting of which I have entitled, "Royal Resolve." The instrumental sections are punctuated by a roll call—inspired by the line: "and the blameless I shall choose for my close companions"—naming those 24 worship leaders who are listed in 1Chronicles 25. Notice who appoints them and then ask yourself: Just how important is this business of singing the psalms? 

As a matter of historical (and perhaps even ominous and prophetic) interest, the short, blurry video clips of a sundog were taken on Sunday morning, January 3, 2021.

Year D recommends this psalm for the Fifth Sunday of Lent. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Ash Wednesday Psalm (Year D)

Psalm 102 is one of the seven penitential psalms, three of which are unused by RCL, four if you count Psalm 143 as unused, which is only read at the Easter Vigil (ABC). Since Psalm 102 employs the imagery of ashes (for bread) and tears (for drink), it seemed an obvious choice for use on Ash Wednesday (which comes early this year, on February 14, 2024). 

Here, once again, is the new musical setting (with my paraphrase and chords), but this time with a few images and the text for congregational singing, if you and your flock are so inclined. 

This, BTW, is one of several singles released in advance of the forthcoming Revenant Psalms, Vol. III. That, eventually, is where (I hope) you will find it one day soon, but other duties call and there is no telling when a final grouping will be ready to go. So I'm floating these out there one at a time, for now. I hope you and yours find ample comfort and inspiration here.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Psalm 102 [Martyrs on the March]

UPDATE: Streamers now added. Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Pandora, Deezer. Watch for YT, Tidal, and others soon.

Just released, this epic 10-minute track for an epic psalm. If there was ever a psalm for a blue Christmas, this one is it.

And in case you are wondering what all these psalm recordings have to do with Year D, well, it is these very individual lament psalms (those excluded from the lectionary) that started me on this Year D project in January 1999, during a course on the Psalms with Walter Brueggemann, going on a quarter century now.