Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Oecolampadius bio cited

I was glad to see my little translation of Theophil Stähelin's biography of Oecolampadius cited in Dr. Verne Poythress' recent article on the Basel Reformer, which you can read here.


Dr. Poythress' blog, BTW, was ranked #31 on Jeremy Myers' list of the Top 100 Christian Blogs a few years ago. The list is not dated, so it is hard to tell how old it is—some obvious changes will soon be apparent—but the Frame-Poythress blog is quite current and full of good resources.   

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Six weeks to Advent: A timely reminder to "Waste Not the Fragments"

Now is a good time to order this inexpensive new commentary on Year D's suggested texts for Advent. Enough fresh texts here for several adult Bible study or Sunday school sessions. Order one per student; put your own questions to text, commentary, and conversation partners.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

"Nothing but Joy"

Here is a sermon on James 1:1-21, one of several I have preached on the same text and by the same title. This one was preached on Memorial Day Sunday, 2016, at Second Presbyterian Church, Bloomington, IN. 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

More relevant than ever

When I wrote this experimental sermon back in 1997, I little expected it would continue to grow more relevant with every passing year, and in recent years, exponentially so.


Someone should write a study guide to go with it, with lessons focussing on (1) the role of grief/weeping in the Christian life, (2) the experience of exile/loss, (3) nonjudgmental listening, (4) pain relief/medication/pharmaceuticals/drugs abuse, (5) music/harp therapy, and (6) the psalms as refuge. That's just off the top of my head, but those six themes sound rather conducive to a Lenten series. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Waste Not the Fragments: A Commentary for Year D (Advent)

A number of exegetical essays that have been residing here for some time, along with previously unpublished matter, all of it related to texts suggested for Advent, have just been published in the following commentary. Perhaps this Advent is the time to introduce your congregation, Bible study group, or adult Sunday school class to these rich texts, extend their scriptural foundations, and supplement their spiritual diet.

Spread the word!