Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time*

Job 34:1-20
Psalm 28
Matthew 6:7-15
Hebrews 13:9-14 (15-16) 17-25


O God our Father, your Son and our Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. We realize, in light of the constant changes and challenges we face, that have no lasting city here on earth, but we look for the city, the new Jerusalem, that is to come. Through your Son and in his Spirit, we offer you our continual sacrifice of praise, the fruit of those who confess his name. Accept then our songs and prayers of praise and adoration, and strengthen our hearts with grace, for we seek the bread of your presence, and we gather at the table where your Son has offered the blood of the eternal covenant, in whose name we pray.

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